Hearkening back to the PS5's original slogan, "Play Has No Limits," Sony has released a light-hearted, live-action ad to remind you of this. We don't know if it quite lives up to the drama and tension of Playtopia, and it certainly can't hold a candle to the PS3's legendary Long Live Play, but overall, it's pretty good.

The state of PlayStation has changed quite a bit since those nostalgic days, and the comments section under each of Sony's official advertisements provides a fascinating time capsule for those with nothing better to do to fixate on. In the early, hopeful days of the PS5 launch, players were more excited and optimistic, dreaming of future games. But the tone of comments has changed in modernity. "Pay has no limits" is a common refrain under this latest, and some wits point out that, actually, play is explicitly limited in all those countries where PSN was pulled.

Do you have a favourite PlayStation ad? Does this latest fill you with unbridled vigour and optimism for the platform? Let us know in the comments section below.

[source youtube.com]